One Day One Camp Academic year 2023
Cub Scouts, Girl Guides & The Red Cross in Thai Schools
Scouts and Guides in Thai schools typically meet once a week, and the specific day can vary based on the school’s policies. Thai youth participate in these meetings and activities such as camping, hikes, and volunteering.
On 23-26 January 2024 Kamalasai school One day one camp for Cub Scouts, Girl Guides & The Red Cross program provide for students participate in these meetings and activities such as camping, hikes, and volunteering. at the temporary Boy scout camp of Kamalasai school, It was by organizing activities per day at each grade level as follows:
23 January 2024. Mathayomsuksa 1
24 January 2024. Mathayomsuksa 2
25 January 2024. Mathayomsuksa 3
26 January 2024. Mathayomsuksa 5
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