Names of those eligible to test students talent ability M1 and M4
Kamalasai school notification of names of those eligible to test students with special talent abilities.
Kamalasai school list of names of those eligible to test to be students M1
On 1 November 2024, at Kamalasai school Ninlapat meeting hall. There is training to develop the personality of students in standing, walking, sitting, paying respects, as well as personality in serving food and drinks for Kamalasai school model students.
Kamalasai school has an announcement of the lists of names who pass the selection examination for AC.GP. IoTP and EAIP programs students in Mathayomsuksa 1 for more information click the link bellow. <<Click here>>
สรุปผลการแข่งขันงานศิลปหัตถกรรมนักเรียนครั้งที่ 71 ณ สนามแข่งขันโรงเรียนกมลาไสย โรงเรียนกมลาไสย สพม. กาฬสินธุ์ (
Today inspectors from the Ministry of DE visit the coding and eco school project of Kamalasai school.